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           The dinosaurs are a large group of reptiles that lived from 230 to 65 million years ago. Some, such as the well-known Tyrannosaurus rex, were enormous meat-eating animals. Others, however, were small and timid creatures that nibbled on plants.

Scientists divide the dinosaurs into two orders. One order is Saurischia, which includes the theropods (THAIR-oh-pods) that walked on their two hind legs and were mostly meat-eating dinosaurs and the sauropods (SAWR-oh-pods) that walked on all fours and ate plants. The theropods had more primitive features, including jagged teeth, and some, such as the Ceratosaurus, had hornlike knobs jutting out of their skulls. Tyrannosaurus rex was a theropod. Although it was quite large at 40 to 50 feet (12.2 to 15.2 meters) long, its ancestors only grew to about 10 feet (3 meters) long.

The sauropods looked much different than the theropods. They had very long necks and tiny heads. Some of them were able to lift their front legs off the ground and grab leaves or other things with their hands. Other species, including Brachiosaurus, had longer front legs than hind legs, similar to the arrangement in current-day giraffes. Their tall front legs, combined with their overly long necks, helped them easily reach food even at the tops of most trees.

The other order within the dinosaurs is Ornithischia, which included those dinosaurs that ate plants and had hip bones that looked like those found in present-day birds. Many of them had crests, beaks, horns, or helmets, and some had armor-like plates, called scutes, covering their bodies and occasionally spikes. Stegosaurs are an example of an Orinithischian. These dinosaurs had armor-like spines down the middle of the back and spiked tails. The Ornithischia also includes the duckbill dinosaurs with their wide snouts.

Within these two orders of dinosaurs, the animals are further split into several hundred smaller groups, called genera (jen AIR-uh). One or more species is grouped into each genus (JEAN-us), which is the singular of genera.

Although the name dinosaur actually means “terrible lizards,” dinosaurs are not lizards and are different from all other groups of reptiles. One of the major differences between dinosaurs and other reptiles is in the way they moved. Lizards and crocodiles walk with their legs held out to the side, in the same type of position a person’s arms take when doing pushups. A few dinosaurs sprawled their front legs like a lizard, but the vast majority of them walked like a dog or cat—with the legs directly below the hips and shoulders.

Many scientists also now suspect that at least some of the dinosaurs were warm-blooded, instead of cold-blooded like other reptiles. A warm-blooded animal, more properly called an endothermic (EN-doe-THER-mik) animal, uses its own energy to keep its body at a constant temperature. Cold-blooded, or ectothermic (EK-toe-THER-mik), animals get their body heat from an outside source, like the warmth of the sun.

Dinosaurs came in many shapes and sizes. The Seismosaurus, or “earth-shaking dinosaur,” may have been the longest at 120 to 150 feet (36.6 to 45.7 meters) long. The heaviest may have been the Argentinosaurus, which grew to 100 to 130 feet (30.5 to 39.6 meters) long and weighed 110 tons (99,800 kilograms). Other enormous dinosaurs include the Supersaurus at 100 feet (30.5 meters) long and about 50 tons (45,000 kilograms) and the Brachiosaurus at 85 feet (25.9 meters) long and about 75 tons (68,000 kilograms). The Tyrannosaurus rex, a name that is often shortened to T. rex, was considerably smaller at 40 to 50 feet (12.2 to 15.2 meters) long and 6 tons (5,400 kilograms) in weight. Since T. rex stood on its hind legs rather than on all fours, it towered over most other dinosaurs. Other similarly sized meat-eating dinosaurs were the Gigantosaurus, Spinosaurus, and Carcharodontosaurus. All dinosaurs were not giants, however. Some, such as the Saltopus and Lesothosaurus, were only 24 to 36 inches (61 to 91 centimeters) long, and the tiny Microraptor’s full-grown size may have been only about 16 inches (41 centimeters) long.

Insects in frigid regions

Insects in fairly good numbers have become adapted to life in frigid areas. Such areas are the polar regions and high altitudes on mountains.

According to M. S. Mani (1974), who has studied high altitude environment of most high mountains of the world, high altitude region is the timber line altitude of 2500 to 3000 metres and above. The Arctic region is considered as extending from 60 to 65 degrees north to further northward. The Antarctic region may be taken as extending from 50 degrees south to further southward. But from the present viewpoint the latter polar region is not so important, as at present our knowledge of its insect fauna is very poor.

In the north polar region insects are found mostly up to 79 degrees north. At high altitudes, which are also referred to as the alpine region, insects have been collected up to 4800 metres and above. According to Mani, insects in the alpine zone are mostly concentrated at the snow edge.

The frigid regions are so referred to because of extreme cold in those parts. In the alpine environment the low temperature is due to semirarefied air. Such an atmosphere is very transparent, and its heat retention capacity is low. Presence of suspended particles is very small; it is about 1% of the contents of such particles at the sea level. This further lowers
the capacity of the atmosphere of retaining heat from solar radiation. Air temperature, therefore is very low. In polar regions low atmospheric temperature is not due to rarefied air, but due to the angle of incidence of sun rays. While in the alpine regions the sun rays reach the ground level almost vertically, in polar regions the rays are at a wide deviation from right angles, when approaching the ground.

Another special feature of the alpine region is that the solar radiation is much richer in ultra violet rays (UV) than at the sea level. The dense atmosphere at lower altitudes is quite transparent to the visible part of the solar spectrum, but it is opaque to UV radiation. Hence the radiation reaching the lowland regions is almost free from UV. But in alpine zones UV is in a considerable proportion in the sun light. The same is true for the Antarctic zone due to the ozone hole over the South Pole. While the ozone hole in the south is enlarging through human activity, the ozone layer over the Arctic is thinning out due to a similar reason. Even benign chemicals, released from factories and gadgets, condense on surface of
the polar clouds, and may become ozone destroying.

Insects in frigid regions show a number of interesting structural, physiological, behavioural and developmental adaptations to the extreme conditions in which they live. Both alpine as well as polar region insects tend to be dark due to heavier pigmentation of the integument. They may be black. That is true also in the Andes, where many insects are dark, for instance, some cassidines and some chrysomelines (Elytrosphaera melas in Bolivia and others in Ecuador). They may also be dark blue, dark green or copper. Dark body colours help absorption of heat, when there is sunshine, and they also prevent entry of UV into the body, and thus they protect vital internal organs. In the high tropical mountains, like in the Andes, at the snow level, around 4800 m, there are wingless forms of phasmids, hiding under stones. Many beetles, for instance Metallotimarcha, in European mountains remain active during the night and hide under stones or vegetation during the day. It could be a way to avoid the sun rays. All Metallotimarcha species are copper-like.

Most alpine and polar species are brachypterous (i.e. with reduced wings) or apterous (i.e. with wings lost). According to Mani, in the north-western Himalayas about 60% of insect species at altitudes above 4000 m are apterous. In the Antarctic Peninsula between 61°S and 65°S, occurs a chironomid, Belgica antarctica (Jolivet, 1991; Sugg et al., 1983), the southernmost free-living holometabolous insect. The adult males and females of this species are apterous. In 1984, a new chironomid species was discovered in the Nepalese Himalayas, a species of Diamesa living on glaciers. The adults of this species have reduced wings and antennae, and are unable to fly. It was found walking on the surface of glaciers (5130 to 5400 m) and in small cavities beneath them (Kohshima, 1984). The larva grows in melt-water drainage channels under the ice and feed on cyanobacteria (Phormidium) and bacteria. The insect spends its entire life cycle in the snow and ice of the glacier, the coldest habitat ever recorded (-16°C). This insect was active at this low temperature. Although several invertebrates have been introduced into the Antarctic, no holometabolous insect has survived there for a long period, except the endemic Belgica. However, a chironomid midge, Eretmoptera murphyi has been recorded from moss at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands (Block et al., 1984). The fly survived for many years and was thought to have been introduced from South Georgia or the Falklands. Its population is parthenogenetic and capable of supercooling to between -13 and -26°C, but it is not active at such low temperatures. Cryoprotectants have been found in the insect extracts.

The loss of wings and flying capacity is a result of natural selection. Alpine and polar regions have violent storms almost regularly; hence selection operates in favour of reduced wings. That windy environs favour reduction of wings has been experimentally shown in Drosophila fly. An entire tropical American genus, Elytrosphaera, linked with high altitudes and with the Brazilian plateau, has fused elytra and is totally wingless. It has normally a bright coloration, but shows darkening with increasing altitude. It is close to the Colorado beetle group, which live in lowlands and are good flyers.

Another advantage of wing loss in beetles (Coleoptera), which dominate among insect fauna of frigid regions, is that, due to disappearance of wings, a subelytral space is created. Such an air-filled space acts as a thermal insulation, and prevents heat loss from the body. (In beetles the front pair of wings have become thick and hard. They are called elytra. The hind wings are membranous, and they alone are used for flight. The elytra form a protective cover for the membranous hind wings in repose. Disappearance of the latter leaves a space beneath the elytra, the subelytral space.) Loss of wings is accompanied by degeneration of flight muscles, a change, which makes room for production of larger eggs. Production of such eggs is a part of the strategy for adaptation to frigid conditions (vide infra).

Still another structural change is reduction in body size. A reduction in surface area of the body reduces heat loss.

Frigid region species remain active when it is sunny. When the sky is overcast and at night, they remain without movements and concealed under grass, weeds and under stones.

A specially notable physiological adaptation in insects in frigid regions is cold resistance. Larvae of the Arctic leaf beetle Chrysolina subsulcata are quite active at -3 to -4 °C. The Himalayan chironomid Diamesa, living on glaciers, is normally active at -16 °C. Springtails (Collembola) are quite numerous around the snow line at high altitudes. They merrily jump about on snow covered fields. Many insects synthetize polyols from glycogen. The cold resistance in these insects is due to presence in their blood of polyols and other anti-freeze substances, similar to those which are mixed with radiator water of cars in cold countries.

Due to paucity of vegetation in frigid areas most insects are debris and carrion feeders. According to Mani on the north-west Himalayas at 5000 metres only 3% species are phytophagous. All the rest are feeders of dead organic matter and are predaceous. Algae and cyanobacteria are the food source for some of them.

Frigid area insects show some interesting developmental adaptations to the cold conditions. Some are viviparous (i.e. the embryonic stages are passed within the body of the mother, and hatched young larvae are given birth to) or ovoviviparous (i.e. early embryonic stages pass within the mother’s body, and eggs with a well developed advanced embryos, ready for hatching, are laid). As a result early embryonic stages are shielded within mother’s body. In general, frigid area insects lay larger eggs (e.g. Brachyhelops, a leaf-beetle in the islands of Southern Patagonia) to permit longer embryonic development due to low temperatures. But Timarcha, which is black, has fused elytra and is totally wingless, lays only a few big eggs and lives mostly in plains. It seems to be a result of a very long evolution, at least from the Jurassic, since the pupae are also wingless. Perhaps Timarcha originated in steppic areas, probably in Central Asia, and it is adapted well to cold in Europe, being black, with a subelytral cavity and having a complex system of diapauses. Quite an interesting exception, and probably a case of preadaptation.

Another developmental adaptation is long periods of hibernation or diapause at more than one developmental stages, so that adverse periods are tided over safely. It may be recalled that food requirement is greatly reduced or is nil during periods of hibernation or diapause. Adult chironomids do not eat generally at the adult stage. As a result of such diapauses the development is a long story. The Arctic species Chrysolina subsulcata shows two larval diapauses. In addition, there may be more diapauses in the larval stage. In this species development from egg to adult stage may take as long as six years (Chernov, 1978; Chernov et al., 1994).

There are no insects in the Antarctic, except two flies and the bird and mammal parasites. Beetles are quite common in the subantarctic islands, but the leaf beetles are missing. There are 21 families of beetles in Greenland, and no chrysomelids, but they were abundant at the Pleistocene (Böcher, 1988). Lack of chrysomelids, in those places, means, except for Antarctic itself, of late no opportunity of dispersion. Leaf beetles are quite capable in surviving in the Southern Greenland climate. In the Antarctic, nematodes, tardigrads and rotifers are quite common living on mosses, lichens and cyanobacteria (Convey and McInnes, 2005). Insects, including beetles, so common during the Jurassic, disappeared with the Nothofagus forests in early Oligocene.

Insects and spiders from plains are often found lying dead at high altitudes. They have been lifted from plains by warm air columns, and have fallen dead and frozen on surfaces high up on mountains. Lowland arthropods may be lifted to high altitudes in considerable numbers. Mani observed in the Himalayas at 4000 m that, in an area of 100 m2, over four hundred dead insects of plains were deposited in 20 minutes during May- June. Bodies of these low land forms should be adding to the food available to carrion feeders at high altitudes.

Getting to Know more about  Reptiles


Most female reptiles lay eggs, but some give birth to babies. Some of the newborn babies may have actually hatched from eggs while they were still inside the mother. Female reptiles all lay their eggs or give birth to their babies on land. Even those that live in the water for the rest of the year crawl onto shore to have their young. Tuataras lay eggs in their burrows. Some female turtles and crocodiles bury their eggs on shore or farther inland. A few turtle species lay their eggs in leaf piles. After laying the eggs, a female turtle leaves the nest, and the young are on their own. Crocodiles care for their young, bringing the new hatchlings from the nest site to the water. Snakes and lizards may lay eggs or have babies. In some species, the female may remain with the eggs and/or the young, although scientists are unsure how much real protection or care many of the mother snakes actually provide.


Many people keep reptiles as pets. This can be a problem if the animal bites, if it grows too large, or if it lives too long. Some snakes, for example, can grow to be 6 feet (1.8 meters) long or more, and some turtles can live to be 100 years old. In the wild, most people only see reptiles when the animals are warming themselves in the sun. Usually, the reptile will leave the area as the person draws near. If the animal is surprised, however, some reptiles may bite. Not all snakes are venomous, but some are. A bite from a venomous snake can be dangerous and even deadly and requires an immediate visit to the hospital.


Reptiles in danger : 

Many, many species of reptiles may disappear from the Earth soon, if they do not receive some protection.Two-thirds of all turtle species, for example, are now listed by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) as being at risk. Overall, the IUCN counts 453 species of reptiles, or more than one in every six species, as being at some risk. Moreover, scientists know so little about many species that others may be at risk, too. The decline in reptile populations is commonly a result of habitat destruction or of overhunting for their meat or skin or for the pet trade. For turtles, much of the danger comes from the growing number of predator animals that dig up turtle nests and eat the eggs. Scientists estimate, for instance, that 75 to 90 percent of the eggs from some species of North American turtles are lost each year to such predators.

Saving endangered reptiles :

In some cases, scientists, government agencies, and/or other concerned groups are protecting the land where the animals live and setting up laws that prevent overhunting. Many zoos are also helping by trying to breed their own captive reptiles. This is especially important for those species that are already very rare. Too late to save According to the IUCN, twenty-one species of reptiles are extinct. This includes three snakes, eleven lizards, and seven turtles.



Underground reptiles : 

The tuataras, many lizards, and some snakes, including the blind snakes, spend most of their time underground in burrows, or beneath rocks, logs, or other ground covers. Some of them stay underground all day and only come out at night. Others stay underground all night and sneak out during the day . Some burrowing reptiles dig their own burrows, but many others simply move into the burrow of another animal.

Freshwater reptiles : 

Alligators and crocodiles, many turtles, some snakes, and a few lizards live in freshwater lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams. Depending on the species, they may spend a good deal of time every day on shore basking in a sunny spot. Some will even do some hunting on land. Crocodiles, for instance, may grab a prey animal on shore but will then drag it into the water to drown it.

Sea reptiles : 

Among the reptiles, the seaturtles are most known for their association with the oceans. With their paddlelike front legs, they can glide easily through the water and cover very long distances, often migrating hundreds of miles (kilometers) between their nesting beaches in warm climates and their feeding areas in cooler climates. The leatherback seaturtle migrates the farthest, taking trips of up to 3,100 miles (5,000 kilometers) from its nesting place to a feeding site. Some snakes also live in the ocean. The seasnakes make their home in coral reefs, where they eat eels and fishes.

Tree reptiles : 

Animals that live in trees are said to be arboreal (pronounced ar-BOR-ee-ul). Some reptiles are arboreal. These include many snakes, even large ones like the emerald tree boa that can grow to 7.3 feet (2.2 meters) in length. Many lizards are also excellent climbers and slither through trees looking for insects or bird eggs to eat.



As predators :

Predators (PREH-duh-ters) are animals that hunt and kill other animals for food. Many reptiles hunt by ambush, which means that they find a good hiding spot or lie very still and wait for a prey animal to happen by. Then they lunge out and grab their prey. Other reptiles hunt by foraging, when they crawl, slither, or swim about looking for something to eat. Many reptiles, including lizards and turtles, simply snap their mouths around the prey and swallow it. Crocodiles and alligators clamp their jaws around larger prey, such as deer, drag them underwater to drown, and then tear off hunks of flesh. Snakes usually swallow their meals whole, often by unhinging their jaws. Many snakes are venomous, which allows them to inject a toxin into the prey to either kill it or knock it out.

Some reptiles, especially the lizards, mainly use their eyes to spot their prey. Snakes have an excellent sense of smell and are able to pick up scents from the air and from the ground with the tongue, which they flick again and again while looking for food. Some snakes, including the pit vipers, have small holes on the front of the face. These holes, or pits, are covered with a thin sheet of detectors that can pick up the heat given off by a prey animal. Snakes are also able to sense ground vibrations through the jaw bone, which connects to the ear. They can not only feel the ground move, but they can also hear it.

As prey :

Prey are those animals that are hunted by other animals for food. Eagles, hawks, other large birds, along with some mammals, eat snakes and lizards. In fact, some snakes and lizards eat other snakes and lizards. One of the biggest threats to turtles come from mammals that dig up their nests and eat their eggs.



Carnivores :

Many reptiles are meat-eaters, or carnivores (KAR-nih-vores). Some of them, especially the smaller lizards and snakes, eat mainly insects, spiders, worms, and other invertebrates (in-VER-teh-brehts), which are animals without backbones. Larger snakes often eat mammals, amphibians, other reptiles, fishes, and birds. A number of snakes and lizards also eat eggs. Snakes usually will only eat living animals, but other species, including snapping turtles, will eat dead, even rotting animals that they find. 

Plant eaters :

A few reptiles, especially some of the turtle species and a few lizards, eat plants. Animals that eat plants are called herbivores (ER-bihvores). A few animals will eat both meat and plants. These are called omnivores (OM-nih-vores). Some turtles, including the commonly seen painted turtles, will switch from a mostly meat diet to one that is mostly plants when animal prey are hard to find.


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